Makeover Your Home During the Quarantine
/This world is in a place that no one could have ever imagined. A place that seems so unreal—pinch me because I’m in shock! The times we’re in seem like the next Hollywood science fiction movie – the day that everyone was forced to their homes due to a pandemic. Honestly, based on the daily updates, it is easy to live in total fear because of the awful things happening around the world and in the U.S. My heart goes out to anyone facing this dire situation and tragedy of COVID-19.
More than ever I’m grateful for my faith in God—faith that uplifts and encourages me through times that appear so uncertain. I gain my confidence and balance from my faith, and I encourage you to do the same by clicking here for my virtual church experience.
Idea Cards by Stacia Pierce -
Now that you have to be confined to your home and are essentially quarantined in some cases, it will force you to look around and ask yourself, is this how I want to live? Do I like my surroundings? Does this environment bring peace, or do I feel conflicted? If there is a silver lining, it is the ability to be home and bring order and cleanliness to your surroundings. It’s the chance to spend more time close to family, try your hand making a few home cooked meals, and give out lots of love and as long as everyone is healthy, lots of hugs while appropriately socially distancing yourself from others.
You might be asking yourself, where do I begin? Especially if bringing order is a new concept. Perhaps you’re just getting setup to work from home, reading through links of information on virtual school for your kids, or maybe have a young toddler hanging on as you think about how you’ll do your big sales presentation virtually.
Here’s a few tips to get started on home order to jump start you during this new season:
Make a list of all the areas in your home that need to be cleaned, organized or transformed
Think about areas of your home that frustrate you or that bring you down
Don’t hold back – add that area of your home you think is untouchable
On your list, highlight the areas of your home you encounter the most
Clothes closets, under bathroom sinks, and kitchen pantries can be the best places to start
Grab a trash bag and a give-away bag and start clearing everything out of the space, then clean and disinfect the area, only putting back what you truly use, need or desire
Use top notch cleaning products such as Be Clean + Be Well, which is fortified with 70% alcohol and is effective against the Coronavirus and Influenza
It smells great and will leave your home fresh while killing germs
If it’s too overwhelming, breakup the process by clearing only a portion, then go back and start over on another section
Rome wasn’t built in a day, so do a little bit daily. Focus on continuing the momentum and don’t get stuck
Get your family involved – everyone can help to clean and clear their own personal spaces
The key is to Get Started!! This is the perfect time to tackle so many home projects, so once life returns to “normal”, you can feel like you accomplished so much and stayed productive.