The Power of Music in your Home
/“Where words fail, music speaks”
You know that feeling…the bass drops, the cymbals crash, the guitar starts a riff…it automatically generates a drive and feeling on the inside that puts a smile on your face. It always forces an automatic physical response—a bounce, a tap of your feet, a head nod, and maybe a few dance moves. That’s the power of music!
I’ve thought about this subject so much because lately I’ve been so heads down in my work. As I’ve continued to press and pursue important goals in my career and personal life, sometimes I forget to take time for myself—to take opportunities to think, meditate, and dream! It’s so important but a great way to jump-start these moments is to do something that’s so simple—turn on the music.
My Mom :)
Being a musician and growing up in a family that sang (shout out: The James Family Singers) throughout churches in the Midwest, I was always around music and great writers. My mother has sung and wrote songs and even recorded albums, so my entire life has been in and around music. Naturally I had no choice but to learn the violin and as an adult took up guitar.
Because of this great past, I love what researchers at Northwestern University discovered regarding children and music. When children learn to play music, their brains hear and process sounds that they otherwise couldn’t hear. This even helps them develop proper distinction between certain sounds that can aid in literacy. It’s important to keep in mind this doesn’t happen by just sitting and listening to music, they must be actively engaged and participate in music classes. They even found that kids who played instruments in class had more improved neural processing than the children who attended just a music appreciation group.
Here are a few keys for enjoying music as a family:
1. Always play music in your home, no matter the genre
2. Sing, dance and actively participate with music, especially with your kids
3. Use music as a way to alleviate stress, a way to improve your mood, and just to feel good
4. As you grow older, play music to increase mental faculties and memory
5. Use music to get well! Studies show music strengthens the heart and improves recovery time of patients suffering from heart disease
So with that, go ahead, pull up Amazon Music and start playing it loud. When you feel stressed, overworked or simply in a bad mood, just turn on that favorite song and motivate yourself past your feelings and into excitement!
Home Photography: Christian Morales