Family Ski Vacation to Vail, CO
/My family and I just got back from an amazing ski trip in Vail, CO. My husband is an expert skier and we felt it was about time for our daughter to experience snow and beautiful mountain ranges in the Colorado area. This was our first official family vacation, so it was very important that all the details were covered for an excellent trip. We had the pleasure of traveling with another couple, which worked perfect because we all blended together so well.
Although I’m a beach girl at heart and all about everything above 65 degrees, we invested well in warm clothes, hats, and other snow gear from Peter Glenn to enjoy our time tremendously. It’s funny because I’m originally from Michigan and the feeling of waking up with 2 degree weather was the norm in the winter, but it hasn’t taken long for me to become accustomed to the Florida sunshine and warm temps all year long.
Ariana Pierce’s Travel Affirmation Cards
As I reflect, this trip taught me a lot, but honestly, it all started with a dream. Over the last few months my husband and I started talking about traveling as a family and the positive impacts it would have for our daughter. We wanted to go deeper in our relationships and have experiences that last. My husband and I are very involved in our careers and businesses, but thanks to Ariana Pierce and her incredible Travel Affirmation Cards; plus a new venture where we’ve started trading on the foreign currency exchange and gold markets, it’s taken us to a new place in our thinking to see possibilities that originally were too hard to accomplish.
Top things I learned on this trip:
1) Push for your Dreams and Desires No Matter What – it’s so important to believe there’s always a way. There was a time I felt it wouldn’t work out—because of other financial priorities, work obligations, concern over my daughter missing school, etc. Guess what – there will always be a reason to say NO but you must press through to get what you want out of life. I used Ariana Pierce’s Travel Affirmation Cards and they made all the difference when I wanted to quit and say maybe next year.
What we imagined became our reality!
2) Travel with Get it People – Top Life Coach and Entrepreneur Millionaire Maker Stacia Pierce, always talks about having a “get it crew” – purpose partners that push you towards accomplishing your goals. On this trip we traveled with the Dushane’s, a wonderful family that has the same thought process and mindset as us. Our kids played beautifully together and it expanded what we could do if we went on our own. Because we are both pursuing our goals and dreams it made it easy to work together and have a fun time.
3) Give Kids an Active Learning Experience – while my daughter missed a couple days of school I recognized she was probably learning equal if not more through a hands-on travel experience. This was her first time seeing snow and she was elated at this newfound phenomenon. Everywhere we stopped she wanted to touch, feel, and experience all that snow had to offer. Researchers have actually concluded experience gifts are more effective than material gifts at improving relationships from the recipient’s perspective. This is because experience gifts are typically more “emotionally evocative”. Although I’m talking about the recipient being a 5-year old girl, I still believe this experience will go a little further than another toy, although if you ask my daughter vacation and an L.O.L. Surprise! will work perfect.
4) Focus on Having Fun! It’s important to create a realistic vacation plan that gives everyone an opportunity to have fun. My husband is an expert skier, so this was his ultimate vacation, but I love all the associated winter sports, so tubing and ice skating fit the bill for me. No matter what, ensure every person traveling enjoys memorable moments that last.
Now checkout the pictures to see all the fun we had!!
To learn more about some of the topics I’ve stated in this blog, see below:
· Skiing in Colorado:
· Foreign Currency trading:
· Enroll in iML (Platiinum Package Plus):